Integrative, arts-based, & relational
Lots of children and young people have times in their lives when they are struggling with things going on around them, and sometimes the feelings inside them.
These emotions and events might include:
parental separation
friendship issues
difficulties with siblings
school pressure
generalised anxiety
questions about identity
low self esteem
low mood
You know your child best…
Sometimes it’s hard to put a finger on the issue – but you know when something is making your child unhappy.
Usually, you, or another family member, will notice a change in your child’s behaviour or mood, or sometimes there is disruption to sleep or appetite.
Hopefully you will be able to help your child think about what might be going on – often a listening ear at the right time, can be all the child or young person needs.
…but it’s OK to ask for help
Sometimes parents – and their children – feel that they need a bit of extra help. Maybe there is a lot going on at home, perhaps relationships are a bit strained, time is scarce, or talking about the ‘issue’ always seems to trigger more difficult feelings.
It might be that you yourself are not in ‘a good place’ at the moment and need a bit of ‘back up’, or reassurance.
As a psychotherapeutic counsellor, I’ve been trained to observe and listen carefully. I approach every new client as an individual, and never judge, so that together we can create a safe space in which feelings and thoughts can be explored and expressed.
I offer complete confidentiality to you and your child (with the caveat that if I feel anyone is at risk, I will contact your GP or other appropriate agency).
What is therapy like?

Therapy can take place in-person or online. Whichever way we meet, I’ll use a range of activities – depending on the age, needs, and preferences of the client – to establish a good therapeutic relationship, and to help the child or young person access important themes and emotions.
With young children we might make up stories and games, draw pictures, use Lego or playdough, use the sand tray, or even be other people in a game of 'make believe'.
With older clients, we can also use art materials, write stories or poems, use role-plays, and also use the sand tray – but we could also just chat if that feels more ‘right’.
With all clients, where appropriate, we’ll introduce some ‘psycho-education’ (looking at recent developments in neuroscience and attachment theory to think about how the stage we’re at, and the relationships we have with others, might be impacting our feelings, thoughts and behaviour), and we’ll think about well-being strategies such as breathing techniques, mindfulness, and journaling.
For safeguarding reasons, all online sessions must take place in a living area of the house, in appropriate clothing, and with an adult nearby (or on the premises, when working with older clients).
Some face-to-face appointments are available for clients who live in the Newmarket area and who require in-person support. For those local clients who prefer to meet outdoors, it may also be possible to arrange meetings in the open air – for example, a walk-and-talk session, or outdoor play therapy.